Research Article

Inhibition Effect of 1-Butyl-4-Methylpyridinium Tetrafluoroborate on the Corrosion of Copper in Phosphate Solutions

Table 4

Thermodynamic activation parameters for copper in 0.5 M P O 4 3 solutions in the absence or presence of 10.0 mM of 1-Butyl-4-methylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate (4MBPBF4) for pH 2 and 4.

InhibitorpH 𝐸 𝑎 (kJ mol−1) Δ 𝐻 𝑎 (kJ mol−1) Δ 𝑆 𝑎
(J mol−1 K−1)

Blank 216.6413.98−282.65
Blank 418.4715.81−297.69