Review Article

Seismic Behavior of Corroded RC Bridges: Review and Research Gaps

Table 1

Maximum and minimum critical chloride content based on 32 experimental works reviewed by [11] compared with proposed by ACI codes.

from steel embedded in cement based material real structures from the steel directly immersed in solution
Total % binder weight ratioFree (mol/L); % bwTotal (% bw) ratioFree (mol/L)

0.04–8.340.09–450.045–4; 0.07–1.160.1–1.960.01–4.90.0056–0.42

expressed as total chloride content relative to cement weight proposed by various ACI documents for prestressed RC structures in service

ACI documentsACI 357ACI 222ACI 201

expressed as % binder weight0.060.08Not stated