Research Article

MAP1B Interaction with the FW Domain of the Autophagic Receptor Nbr1 Facilitates Its Association to the Microtubule Network

Figure 3

Nbr1 interacts with MAP1B in vivo. (a) Identification of Nbr1 as an interaction partner of MAP1B-LC1. Yeast-2-hybrid retransformation assay confirming the interaction between the FW domain of Nbr1 (aa346-498) and the light chain of MAP1B (aa2238-2465). Interaction was assessed by yeast growth on SD-L/-T/-H/-A medium. Empty vectors were used as negative controls, SV40 large T antigen and p53 were used as positive controls. (b) Nbr1 is found in a complex with MAP1B-LC1. Coimmunoprecipitation of HA-Nbr1 and MAP1B-LC1-myc from COS7 cells transfected with HA-Nbr1 and MAP1B-LC1-myc constructs. Extracts and precipitates were analysed by western blot using the indicated antibodies.