Research Article

Casein Kinase Iγ2 Impairs Fibroblasts Actin Stress Fibers Formation and Delays Cell Cycle Progression in G1

Figure 5

Overexpression of CKIγ2 in fibroblasts reduces the levels of RhoA protein and RhoA activation. (a) Fibroblasts stably overexpressing CKIγ2 (Z23) and control fibroblasts (R2Zeo) were analyzed for RhoA protein expression levels by Western Blot using equivalent amount of total cell lysate proteins. (b) Levels of activated Myc-RhoA (Myc-RhoA-GTP) were assessed following transient expression of MycRhoA in serum growing fibroblasts control (R2Zeo) or overexpressing CKIγ2 (Z23) using pull down of equivalent amount of total cell lysate proteins with a GST fusion protein encoding the Rho-binding domain of Rhotekin. (c) Total cell lysates from fibroblasts transiently transfected with increasing amount of plasmid encoding HA-CKIγ2 were subjected to Western Blot analysis with indicated antibodies.