Review Article

Mitochondrial Dynamics in Cancer and Neurodegenerative and Neuroinflammatory Diseases

Table 2

Mitochondrial dynamics and neurodegenerative diseases.

PathologyProteins involved
(expression level and/or mutation)
Mitochondrial phenotypeMechanisms of pathophysiology involving mitochondria

Alzheimer diseaseMFN1, MFN2, OPA1 ↓↓
DRP1, FIS1 ↑↑
KINESIN mutation
Fragmentation, disruption of cristae structure, reduction in number of mitochondria in dendrites, impaired mitochondrial trafficking, defects in KGDH complex, PDH complex and COX.β amiloyd accumulation and interaction with DRP1, enhanced CDK1 activity, altered interaction between mitochondria and Kinesin motor complex in cerebral cortex [7779].

Huntington’s diseaseMFN1, MFN2, OPA1 ↓↓
DRP1, FIS1 ↑↑
HTT mutation
Fragmentation; impaired mitochondrial trafficking, defects in SDH (complex II) and Aconitase. HTT interaction with DRP1, increased calcineurin and DRP1 activity, redistribution of kinesin and dynein motor complexes in striatal neurons [8082].

Parkinson disease Parkin mutation or ↓↓
Pink1 mutation or ↓↓
DJ-1 mutation
DRP1 ↓↓
α-synuclein mutation
LRRK2 mutation
Fragmentation, impaired mitochondrial trafficking.Altered interaction between mitochondria and motor complexes, impaired mitophagy of damaged mitochondria in substantia nigra [74, 75, 8386].

Amiotrophic lateral sclerosis SOD mutation
TDP-43 mutation
Fragmentation, disruption of cristae structure with expansion of IMS, impaired mitochondrial trafficking, complex I dysfunctions. Toxicity associated to the formation of aggregates of mutant SOD, in subsarcolemmal region of muscles and anterior horn neurons of lumbar spinal cord [8793].

Autosomal dominant optic atrophyOPA1 mutationFragmentation, complex I dysfunctions. Major sensitivity to death stimuli in retinal ganglion cells and optic nerve [9498].

Charcot Marie Tooth Type 2 MFN1 mutation
Fragmentation (MFN1 mut) or elongation (GDAP1 mut). MFN1: probably alteration in ER-mitocondria tethering and Calcium signalling [99]; GDAP1: altered localization of GDAP1 [100].