Research Article

Tenofovir-Based Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Is Associated with Superior CD4 T Cells Repopulation Compared to Zidovudine-Based HAART in HIV 1 Infected Adults

Table 1

Demographic and baseline characteristics of the study participants at diagnosis.

VariableObservationsMean ageStd. Dev.MinMax

Females69 (65.1%)39.0911.8 2078
Males37 (34.9%)42.3011.02272

Total10642.6311.4 2078

Distribution of participants across treatment groups before and during follow-up

Treatment groupInitial distributionFollow-up distribution

TLE (tenofovir cohort)80 (75.5%)68 (76.4%)
ZLE (zidovudine cohort)26 (24.5%)21 (23.6%)

Total106 (100%)89 (100%)

ComorbiditiesNumber of participants

Hepatitis B7
Hepatitis C1
Kaposi sarcoma4
Cerebral toxoplasmosis1

Total comorbidities34

Stage of HIV (CD4 count/cells/µL)Number of participantsPercentage Freq. (%)

Stage I (≥500)1110.4
Stage II (200–499)3533.0
Stage III (0–199)6056.6

Total number106100

The table shows the baseline characteristics of study participants before and during the initiation of therapy. It shows their age distribution across gender at diagnosis and the comorbidity profile of participants determined before and during treatment with HAART. The stage of HIV was determined at baseline depicting the degree of progression to AIDS using the CD4 T cells count.