Research Article

Medication Nonadherence and Associated Factors among Heart Failure Patients at University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia

Table 2

HF patients’ level of adherence to their medication at the University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, northwest Ethiopia.

MARS-5 itemsMean score (SD)Median (range)

I change the dosage of my HF medication4.86 (0.35)5 (4-5)
I forget to take my HF medication4.76 (0.43)5 (4-5)
I use my HF medication less than is prescribed4.74 (0.72)5 (1-5)
I decide to skip one of my HF medication dosages3.50 (1.68)4 (1-5)
I stop taking my HF medication for a while3.38 (0.90)4 (1-5)
The overall score21.23 (2.54)22 (12-25)
Medication adherenceFrequency (%)95% CI
Medication adherent187 (76.3%)70.7, 81.2
Medication nonadherent58 (23.7)18.8, 29.3

Medication Adherence Report Scale (MARS-5); %: percent; CI: confidence interval; SD: standard deviation.