Research Article

Evaluating Multiple Aspects of Educational Computer Games: Literature Review and Case Study

Table 4

Questions defined to assess multiple interface aspects of the Karuchā Ships Invaders CALL game.

AspectBasis heuristic (Table 2)Question

InterfaceUI1(Q1) Graphical elements are consistent and adequate?
UI3(Q2) Screen space is well distributed (each element has enough space)?
UI4(Q3) Font size for roma-ji is adequate?
(Q4) Font size for Japanese characters is adequate?
UI6(Q5) Interaction mode is adequate to the audience?
UI9(Q6) Access buttons for different functions and features are easily identified?
(Q7) Menu division is adequate?

Education/pedagogicalED1(Q8) Learning goals are clear?
ED2(Q9) Gameplay is incentive and engaging?
ED4(Q10) Is it possible to obtain new considerable knowledge about Japanese language by just playing the game?
ED9(Q11) Does the game provide choice of difficulty level?
(Q12) The difficulty levels are adequate, that is, too easy/hard, or discrepant?
ED10(Q13) The game suits to different learning paces of the students?

ContentCO1(Q14) The content is presented in gradual and coherent way?
CO3(Q15) Is it easy to access support content, that is, stories?
CO4(Q16) The educative stories bring the content in a comprehensive way?
(Q17) The educative stories do provide enough background for the player to win the game?
CO5(Q18) Is it interesting/engaging to learn through the stories?
CO6(Q19) Is it clear for the player the content to be learned along the game?

MultimediaMM2(Q20) The multimedia elements (e.g. sounds, images, and text) are in the context of the game?
MM3(Q21) The presentation of multimedia content follows an adequate flow? (Is there too much or a lack of multimedia)
MM4(Q22) The use of the following multimedia elements is adequate?
Images in the stories
Text in the stories
Ambient music
Sounds (e.g. laser, shot, and explosion)
Images in level transitions
MM6(Q23) The multimedia elements are significant for the gameplay and learning (or are dispensable)?
MM7(Q24) The quality of multimedia elements is acceptable?

PlayabilityPL3(Q25) The game flow is adequate?
PL4(Q26) The controls of the game are adequate (or are tiring, hard, non-intuitive)?
PL5(Q27) Is it easy for the player to perceive or access the current status in the game at any moment?
PL7(Q28) The challenge level is adequate to the audience, that is, not too easy and not too difficult?