Review Article

Susceptibility to Dental Caries and the Salivary Proline-Rich Proteins

Figure 4

Allelic variations of PRB1 gene. Uppermost sequence is PRB1L from the Expasy website. The N-terminal 16 amino acids indicate the secretion signal which is cleaved within the parotid gland cells before the protein is secreted. The red amino acids (residues 22 and 34) are encoded by the joining of exons 1 and 2, and of exons 2 and 3 (Figure 3). The 15 repeats of the 20-amino acid repeating sequence (Table 3) start at residue 53 and are coded alternately orange and black. A single light blue amino acid separates some of the repeats. Residues 41–53 (orange before the first repeat) comprise the last 11 amino acids of a truncated repeat sequence. Exon 3 is connected to the variable length exon 4 (Figure 3) at residue 113 (red). Lower sequences show the positions of the various alleles listed in Table 4. Row 1. The N-terminal portion of Pe (orange) is encoded by exons 1 and 2. The portion of Pe encoded with other allelic proteins on exon 3 (listed with alternative names in Table 4) is shown in red. Row 2. Pe_Ps2 (red and yellow highlight) Row 3. Pe_Ps1 (red and pale green) Row 4. Pe_Ps0 (red and black) Row 5. Pe_PmF_PmS (red, purple and light blue) Row 6. Pe_PmF_Con2_IB-6 (red, purple, light blue, and pale blue). Rows 7 and 8 are translations of alleles reported by, Ensembl_protein_1, and Ensembl_protein_2 (black). Both alleles likely express Pe and truncated forms of Ps1. Amino acid numbering for each allele or each furin-cleaved segment of each allele is given in Table 4. Gaps indicate deleted sequences; arrows indicate where allelic sequences differ, and underlines indicate furin cleavage sites (Section 6). The asterisk indicates the early termination of allele Ps0 in which residue 150 (R, encoded CGA) is mutated to UGA (stop). Peptide Pe is expressed, but the slightly shorter PmF-like protein is not detected [63].