Research Article

Accuracy of Linear Measurements of Galileos Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Normal and Different Head Positions

Table 3

Mean difference between physical measurements and radiographic measurements in different positions, considering the measured aspect.

PositionAspectMean difference ± SD (mm)P value

Buccolingual 0.431
IdealHeight 0.022
Mesiodistal 0.350

Buccolingual 0.007
RotationHeight 0.024
Mesiodistal 0.041

Buccolingual 0.458
TiltHeight 0.002
Mesiodistal 0.043

Buccolingual 0.979
FlexionHeight 0.037
Mesiodistal 0.317

Buccolingual 0.559
ExtensionHeight 0.004
Mesiodistal 0.883