Research Article

In Vivo Assessment of Osseous Wound Healing Using a Novel Bone Putty Containing Lidocaine in the Surgical Management of Tooth Extractions

Figure 5

Representative hematoxylin-eosin (a)–(d) images of midsockets from the 4th premolar at six weeks following extractions and material placements. (a) bovine xenograft particulate and collagen plug (X), (b) bone putty only (Bp), (c) xenograft particles sandwiched between layers of bone putty placed in the coronal and apical aspect, (Bp-X-Bp), and (d) a 3 : 1 mixture by weight of bone putty and xenograft particles, respectively (3Bp-X). Arrows highlight newly formed bone between xenograft particles or in Bp only grafted sockets (b). Scale bar = 200 microns, 40x magnification.