Clinical Study

Dental Treatment Needs in Vancouver Inner-City Elementary School-Aged Children

Table 1

Operationalization of the study variables.

Operationalization (codes)

Sociodemographic variables
 Age groups(0) Kindergarten, (1) grades 1-2,
 Gender(1) Boy, (2) girl.
 Ethnicity(2) Aboriginal, (2) Chinese, (3) European, (4) Filipino, Vietnamese (5), Hindi (6), and other (7).
 Family’s income
(1) Lowest income group: (from no income to less than 20.000)
(2) Medium income group: (20.000–40.000)
(3) Highest income group (>40.000)
 Born in Canada (0) Born outside of Canada, (1) in Canada
 Having a dental insurance(1) Yes, no (0)
 Last dental visit(0) Do not remember or never, (1) more than a year ago, (2) within last year.

Treatment needs#
 No treatment(0) A crown is sound or a tooth does not need any professional treatment
 One-surface filling*(1) A tooth needs a one-surface filling.
 Two-surface filling*(2) A tooth needs a two-surface filling.
 Three-surface filling*(3) A tooth needs a three-surface filling.
 Four-surface filling(4) A tooth needs a four-surface filling or a crown.
 Pulp care (4)(5) A tooth needs pulp care prior to restoration with a filling or crown because of deep and extensive caries or because of tooth mutilation or trauma.
 Extraction (5)(6) A tooth needs extraction due to extensive caries, or caries has destroyed a tooth such that it cannot be restored.

Treatment needs recorded based on the WHO criteria.
One of the codes 1, 2, or 3 was also used to indicate the treatment required to treat primary or secondary caries or to replace an unsatisfactory filling. A filling was considered unsatisfactory if one or more of the following conditions existed: a deficient margin, an overhanging margin, or a fracture of an existing restoration that either caused the filling to loosen or permitted leakage into the dentin and thus discoloration.