Research Article

Oral Health Knowledge of Periodontal Disease among University Students

Table 4

Distribution of responses to periodontal health knowledge questions by faculty.

QuestionsHumanities faculties ( = 150)Scientific faculties ( = 100) value ( test)
Yes (%)No (%)Do not know (%)Yes (%)No (%)Do not know (%)

(1) What is the initiating factor of periodontal disease?
 Bacterial plaque*50163495230.0001
 Dental calculus6420168992
(2) What is the most indicating sign of periodontal disease?
 Gingival bleeding*80101090550.1
 Gingival swelling6820129262
 Gingival redness68141889101
 Bad breath2540359334
(3) What is the effective measure to prevent periodontal disease?
 Use toothbrush and dental floss*75101596400.0001
 Good nourishment8010108749
 Regular visits to the dentist808169217

 *The correct answer.