Research Article

Factors Related to Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Independent Brazilian Elderly

Table 3

Poisson multivariate analysis of factors associated with having negative impact on OHRQoL in Brazilian elderly ( ).

VariablesAdjusted PR CI 95% value

Block 1: sociodemographic factors
 60–64 years1
 65–74 years0.72(0.59–0.88)0.001
 75 or over 0.68(0.52–0.90)0.006
Economical class
 Upper/upper middle 1
 Lower middle/lower 1.58(1.13–2.20)0.008
Block 2: oral health conditions and needs
Posterior occlusal pairs
Untreated dental caries
 At least one1.28(1.06–1.54)0.010
Block 3: use of dental services
Reason for dental visit
 Checkup, exam, or clean1
Block 4: subjective conditions
Self-rating of oral health
 Good/very good1
 Poor/very poor2.49(1.92–3.24)<0.001
Perception of the last query