Clinical Study

A Four-Year Monocentric Study of the Complications of Third Molars Extractions under General Anesthesia: About 2112 Patients

Table 2

Indications for extraction of the third molars.

Indication for extractionPercentage of patients

(1) Orthodontic reason (potential or existing crowding)57%
(2) Painful tooth A + B28.5%
 (A) Abscess or pericoronitis related to the eruption of third molars (infection)8.5%
 (B) Episodes of recurring discomfort or “tightening” pain type without proven infection20%
(3) Patients with extensive dental decay problem but also patients candidates for a head and neck radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or bisphosphonates treatment 11.5%
(4) Combination of third molars to maxillary or mandibular cysts was an indication for intervention under general anesthesia2%
(5) Complaint was part of a pain-dysfunction syndrome of the masticatory system1%