Research Article

Effect of Patient’s Personality on Satisfaction with Their Present Complete Denture and after Increasing the Occlusal Vertical Dimension: A Study of Edentulous Egyptian Patients

Table 1

Patients’ ( ) satisfaction with their original complete dentures based on their answers to Questionnaire I.

QuestionMostly FrequentlyOccasionallyRarely

(1) Eating with dentures83%17%0%0%
(2) Experience chewing discomfort 62%8%30%0%
(3) Ease of chewing hard food0%10%23%67%
(4) Eating enjoyment 48%20%17%15%
(5) Affect food choices68%8%14%10%
(6) Food particles under dentures91%7%2%0%
(7) Taste (difference) 33%38%17%12%
(8) Speech (difficulties) 36%25%22%17%
(9) Dentures odor changed 37%20%17%26%
(10) Cleaning difficulties25%17%25%33%
(11) Cleanliness 20%22%25%33%
(12) Security 8%12%17%63%
(13) Satisfaction
 Slightly, moderately, or completely satisfied27%
 Slightly, moderately, or completely dissatisfied73%
(14) Jaw ache or stiffness mourning13%20%25%42%
(15) Pain in jaw 20%13%20%47%