Clinical Study

Conservative Approach in Patients with Pemphigus Gingival Vulgaris: A Pilot Study of Five Cases

Table 2

Clinical protocol used for gingival pemphigus vulgaris patients.

Time 0 (T0): 
(i) Clinical evaluation and complete measurements*

Time 1_Day 07 (T1): 
(i) Scaling and prophylaxis of the upper sextants 
(ii) Oral hygiene instruction:  
 (a) use a soft for manual brushes, place the bristles at a 45° angle to the tooth surface at the gum edge, and then move the bristles back and forth in short (tooth-wide) strokes or small circular movements 
(iii) 0.20% chlorhexidine mouth rinse, for 1 minute,
twice daily for 2 weeks 
(iv) VAS measurement

Time 2_Day 14 (T2):  
(i) Scaling and prophylaxis of the lower sextants 
(ii) VAS measurement

Time 3_Day 42 (T3):  
(i) Oral hygiene instruction:  
 (a) use a medium with a convenient handle 
 (b) use a dental for interdental plaque removal 
(ii) Clinical evaluation and VAS measurement

Time 4_Day 98 (T4):  
(i) Clinical evaluation and VAS measurements

Time 5_Day 126 (T4):  
(i) Clinical evaluation and complete measurements*

VAS (visual analogue scale) is a chromatic scale graduated from 0 (no pain) to 10 (unbearable pain), where it defines intensity of pain strong or very strong. The compilation of VAS is carried out at all appointments.
*FMBS (full mouth bleeding score) is performed on the first and last appointments.
*FMPS (full mouth plaque score) is performed on the first and last appointments.
*PPD (probing pocket depth) is performed on the first and last appointments.
*OPCS (oral pemphigus clinical score).
Curasept soft CS 1560.
Curasept medium CS 820.
Periofloss curaprox.