Research Article

Frequency and Influencing Factors of Rubber Dam Usage in Tianjin: A Questionnaire Survey

Table 4

The type of medical institutions where respondents work and rubber dam usage.

TotalSpecialized hospitalGeneral hospitalPrivate hospital

Have used rubber dam
 Yes145 (63.3%)75 (80.6%)58 (47.9%)12 (80.0%)
 No84 (36.7%)18 (19.4%)63 (52.1%)3 (20.0%)

Use rubber dam in caries filling
 Never use104 (45.4%)21 (22.6%)80 (66.1%)3 (20.0%)
 Occasionally use86 (37.6%)49 (52.7%)30 (24.8%)7 (46.7%)
 Often use38 (16.6%)23 (24.7%)11 (9.1%)4 (26.7%)
 Always use1 (0.4%)0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)1 (6.7%)

Use rubber dam in root canal treatment
 Never use91 (39.7%)64 (48.1%)13 (16.9%)14 (73.7%)
 Occasionally use77 (33.6%)49 (36.8%)23 (29.9%)5 (26.3%)
 Often use54 (23.6%)18 (13.5%)36 (46.8%)0 (0.0%)
 Always use7 (3.1%)2 (1.5%)5 (6.5%)0 (0.0%)

Mastery degree of rubber dam usage
 Level 032 (14.0%)7 (7.5%)19 (15.7%)6 (40.0%)
 Level 193 (40.6%)28 (30.1%)60 (49.6%)5 (33.3%)
 Level 280 (34.9%)37 (39.8%)39 (32.2%)4 (26.7%)
 Level 324 (10.5%)21 (22.6%)3 (2.5%)0 (0.0%)
