Research Article

Perceptions of Altered Smile Esthetics: A Comparative Evaluation in Orthodontists, Dentists, and Laypersons

Table 4

Intragroup comparison of esthetic scores by Bonferroni’s method (2nd acceptable choice).

Smile variablesGroup comparison value

Gummy smile
(2nd choice)
Orthodontist dentist1.000
Dentist layperson0.052
Orthodontist layperson0.204

Midline diastema
(2nd choice)
Orthodontist dentist0.025
Dentist layperson1.000
Orthodontist layperson0.038

Crown length
(2nd choice)
Orthodontist dentist0.159
Dentist layperson0.496
Orthodontist layperson0.003

Crown width
(2nd choice)
Orthodontist dentist1.000
Dentist layperson0.379
Orthodontist layperson0.614

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