Research Article

Surface Roughness, Microhardness, and Microleakage of a Silorane-Based Composite Resin after Immediate or Delayed Finishing/Polishing

Table 1

Compositions, batches, and manufacturers of the studied materials.

CompositionBatch numberManufacturer

Sof-LexAluminum oxide (medium: 40 µm, fine: 24 µm, x-fine: 8 µm)12020003413 M/ESPE Dental Products, Seefeld, Bavaria, Germany

AstropolCaoutchouc, silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, titanium oxide, and iron oxide (coarse gray (45 µm), fine green (1 µm), Caoutchouc, silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, titanium oxide, and Diamond dust 9 extra-fine-pink (0.3 µm))11361 
Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein

EnhanceAluminum oxide, silicon dioxide finishing wheel-impregnated UDMA (45 µm)657903EDentsply, Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil

Filtek P90Yttrium fluoride, 3,4 Epoxycyclohexaylcyclopoly-methylsiloxane, silorane, siloxane, silanized quartz 
Filler size (0.1–2 µm), 76% (p/p) ou 55% (p/v)
3 M/ESPE, St. Paul, MN, EUA

Silorane Adhesive System Self-etching primer: phosphorylated methacrylates, Vitrebond copolymer, BisGMA, HEMA, water, ethanol, silane treated silica, initiator, and stabilizer 
Adhesive: hydrophobic bifunctional monomer, acidic monomers, a silane-treated silica, initiator, and stabilizer

3 M/ESPE, Seefeld, Bavaria, Germany

CondacPhosphoric acid 37%, thickener, dye, and deionized water25012013FGM, Joinville, SC, Brasil