Clinical Study

Nitric Oxide Concentration and Other Salivary Changes after Insertion of New Complete Dentures in Edentulous Subjects

Table 1

Classification of clinical parameters.


Level of functional adaptation to the dentures1Report of favorable adaptation and continuous use of the dentures; absence of or minimal complaints
2Report of difficult adaptation or intermittent use of the dentures; moderate to severe complaints
3Report of extreme difficulties and sporadic or no use of the dentures; severe complaints

Injuries to the supporting mucosa1Absent
21 or 2 sore spots or ulceration evidenced by visual inspection, digital pressure or tissue compression with the denture
3Multiple sore spots or ulcerations evidenced by visual inspection, digital pressure, or tissue compression with the denture

Salivary flow ratingLow = 1Greater than 60 seconds
Normal = 2Between 30 and 60 seconds
High = 3Less than 30 seconds

Saliva viscosity1Watery and transparent
2Thick and sticky

Developed by the authors.
Visual inspection test, which consisted of observing, under satisfactory illumination, and the time required for formation of saliva droplets over the lower lip mucosa [19].
Based on the criteria proposed by the Saliva-Check Buffer Testing Mat. GC America, 2016.