Research Article

Influence of the Smile Line on Smile Attractiveness in Short and Long Face Individuals

Table 2

Comparison of median scores given by laypeople, orthodontists, and general practitioner dentists for short faces.

Short face
+2 mm gingival display−2 mm gingival display0 mm gingival display+4 mm gingival display−4 mm gingival display

Laypeople, median4 (3, 5)3 (2, 4)3 (2, 4)3.5 (2, 5)2 (1, 2.25)
Orthodontist, median3 (2, 5)2 (2, 4)4 (2, 5)3 (1, 5)3 (1, 4)
General practitioner, median3 (2, 5)2 (1, 3.25)4 (3, 4)3 (1.75, 5)2 (1, 3.25)

Samples Median Test. (in quartiles).