Research Article

Factors That Affect Oral Care Outcomes for Institutionalized Elderly

Table 1

Effect of oral care and number of functional teeth and their interaction on the incidence of fever and hospitalization for pneumonia.

Model 1 (A)Model 1 (B)
FeverHospitalization for pneumonia
Coefficient95% CI valueCoefficient95% CI value

Oral careReferenceReference
Number of functional teeth0.0360.0040.0670.029−0.002−0.020.0150.774
Interaction with number of functional teeth
Oral careReferenceReference

(A): meal care, (B): food prescription. Data were analyzed using mixed effect modeling. The coefficients of oral care and number of functional teeth were positive. However, the coefficients of the interaction between oral care and number of functional teeth were negative. All coefficients for hospitalization for pneumonia were not statistically significant.