Research Article

Impact of Solvent Evaporation and Curing Protocol on Degree of Conversion of Etch-and-Rinse and Multimode Adhesives Systems

Table 2

DC means and standard deviations (%) of adhesive systems according to testing groups.

Adhesive systemLight-curing time for 10 sLight-curing time for 20 s
No air-dryingAir-drying for 10 sAir-drying for 60 sNo air-dryingAir-drying for 10 sAir-drying for 60 s

ONE-STEP (OS)2.0 (0.6)R10.9 (5.5)P,Q,R27.0 (4.8)L,M14.0 (1.2)O,P,Q27.9 (6.9)L,M38.1 (4.1)J,K
ONE-STEP Plus (OSP)15.6 (2.9)O,P,Q17.5 (3.7)N,O,P31.1 (1.1)K,L21.7 (1.3)M,N,O47.5 (3.3)G,H,I47.9 (2.7)F,G,H,I
Ambar (AMB)56.6 (4.1)B,C,D,E,F54.8 (2.0)C,D,E,F,G59.6 (4.1)A,B,C,D63.6 (6.0)A,B,C63.7 (2.3)A,B,C57.1 (3.7)A,B,C,D,E
ScotchBond Universal (SBU)40.3 (4.8)I,J42.8 (1.0)H,I,J49.2 (4.6)E,F,G,H,I65.7 (4.2)A64.2 (1.5)A,B61.4 (3.8)A,B,C
All-Bond Universal (ABU)6.9 (2.9)Q,R17.6 (3.0)N,O,P26.0 (1.9)L,M,N37.0 (4.7)J,K51.7 (4.4)D,E,F,G,H40.6 (3.5)I,J

Means followed by different capital letters differ statistically by the Tukey test ().