Research Article

Association between Drinking Habits and Oral Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on Japanese National Statistical Data

Table 1

Survey items for analysis.

Contingency table analysisItems

CharacteristicsSex and age group (middle-aged: 30–59 years; older: 60–69 years)
Items related to symptoms
 Subjective symptomsPresence of subjective symptoms
 Dental symptomsDental symptoms (tooth pain, swollen or bleeding gums, and difficulty chewing)
 Other symptoms38 general symptoms other than dental symptoms, such as respiratory symptoms
Items related to hospital visits
 Outpatient visitsCurrent visits
 Outpatient visits for dental diseasesCurrent visits
 Disease nameName of general disease other than dental disease
Items concerning health
 Health consciousnessSubjective health (5 levels, from very good to poor)
 Smoking statusSmoking status
 Alcohol consumption habitsHeavy drinker and occasional/nondrinker
Lifestyle-related questions
 Economic strengthPoverty level
 IncomeTotal income of household per year
 Working hoursNo. of working hours per week
Stress-related items
 Awareness of stressWorries or stress

Logistic regression analysis
 Dependent variablesAlcohol consumption habits (heavy drinker: 1; occasional/nondrinker: 0)
 Moderator variablesAll variables (for each, bad: 1; good: 0)
Using the stepwise selection method