Research Article

Knowledge and Attitude of Dental Clinicians towards Light-Curing Units: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Comparison between general dentists and specialists regarding the knowledge towards light-curing unit (LCU) and light-activating materials, maintenance, and infection control.

ItemGeneral dentist (n = 111)Specialist (n = 199)Χ2-value value
No. (%)No. (%)

1. Knowledge towards light-curing unit (LCU) and light-activating materials
1. What type of LCU are you using?
Quartz-tungsten-halogen lights (QTH)13 (11.7)20 (10.1)3.5830.465
Plasma-arc lights (PAC)4 (3.6)5 (2.5)
Argon-ion lasers2 (1.8)2 (1.0)
Light-emitting diodes (LED)51 (45.9)113 (56.8)
Unsure41 (36.9)59 (29.6)
2. What is the proper term to describe the amount of power output of the LCU received over a defined area of resin-based dental material?
Radiant energy24 (21.6)44 (22.1)1.3840.709
Radiant power11 (9.9)14 (7.0)
Irradiance12 (10.8)17 (8.5)
Radiant exposure64 (57.7)124 (62.3)
3. Insufficient radiant exposure was found to be associated with which of the following properties of resin-based composite (RBC)
Low mechanical physical properties97 (87.4)183 (92.0)1.7240.189
More bacterial colonization45 (40.5)84 (42.3)0.0840.77
High bond strength20 (18.0)16 (8.0)6.9360.008
Better color stability11 (9.9)12 (6.0)1.5770.209
4. Location and morphology of the tooth can affect the position between the LCU tip and the resin material surface. The dentist should always aim to
hold the light-curing tip as close as possible to the restoration surface87 (78.4)135 (67.8)3.9240.047
hold the light-curing tip up to 10 mm19 (17.1)51 (25.6)2.9380.086
position the light-curing tip at 45-degree angle20 (18.0)42 (21.1)0.4270.514
position the light-curing tip at 90-degree angle41 (36.9)90 (45.2)2.0060.157
5. What is the new advancement technology in the latest LED which makes it different than other types of LCUs?
It generates monowavelengths28 (25.2)58 (29.1)0.5940.743
It generates polywavelengths53 (47.7)88 (44.2)
It has an advance filter and ventilation fan30 (27.0)53 (26.6)
6. To overcome any clinical factor that might affect the reduction in power output, you might need to
store RBC material in a refrigerator before clinical application49 (44.1)97 (48.7)4.5230.104
increase the curing time more than manufacturer’s recommendation50 (45.0)93 (46.7)
choose darker shade of RBC12 (10.9)9 (4.5)

2. Maintenance and infection control of light-curing unit (LCU)
1. Do you inspect and clean the LCU before use to ensure it is on the correct setting, in good working order, and free of defects and debris?
Yes84 (75.7)143 (71.9)0.5290.467
No27 (24.3)56 (28.1)
2. Do you use radiometer to monitor your LCU output before any clinical session?
Yes14 (12.6)28 (14.1)6.4450.04
No39 (35.1)96 (48.2)
Not familiar with this device58 (52.3)75 (37.7)
3. What do you use to protect your eyes from “blue light hazards?”
Red laser safety glasses19 (17.1)10 (5.0)12.2890.005
Light cure shield45 (40.5)81 (40.7)0.0010.973
Hand-held light shield30 (27.0)76 (38.2)3.960.047
Orange protective glasses49 (44.1)80 (40.2)0.4450.505
My assistant does the curing35 (31.5)55 (27.6)0.5250.467
I look away from the blue light71 (64.0)93 (46.7)8.5310.003
4. Infection-control technique was found to affect the light-curing tips and reduce its irradiance value. What is the technique that has the least negative effect?
Autoclaving13 (11.7)19 (9.5)2.2950.317
Use of disinfectant solution31 (27.9)43 (21.6)
Disinfectant with a clear barrier67 (60.4)137 (68.8)

Multiple responses.