Research Article

Team-Based Learning in Prosthodontics Courses: Students’ Satisfaction

Table 1

Mean, standard deviation, and level of statements of the first parameter (knowledge acquisition), according to the Likert scoring method where SA is referred to strong agree, A is referred to agree, and N is referred to neutral.

Statements/mean (SD)/levelD2D3D4D5

TBL helps to learn more in the class4.41 (0.93) SA3.55 (1.24) A3.33 (1.16) N4.66 (0.61) SA
It helps to memorize things for a longer time4.47 (0.71) SA3.24 (1.09) A3.62 (1.14) A4.48 (0.74) SA
It creates more motivation for study and learning4.18 (0.87) A3.45 (1.33) A3.59 (1.10) A4.55 (0.74) SA
It boosts students’ contribution to learning in the class4.18 (0.87) A3.85 (0.85) A3.82 (0.85) A4.48 (0.79) A
It helps to get through deep-reading and learning4.06 (0.74) A3.4 (1.29) A3.49 (0.94) A4.34 (0.86) SA