Research Article

Team-Based Learning in Prosthodontics Courses: Students’ Satisfaction

Table 5

Comparison of the mean (standard deviation) of the four parameters for D2, D3, D3, and D4 levels, according to the Likert scoring method where SA is referred to strong agree and A is referred to agree.


First parameter: knowledge acquisition4.25 (0.55) SA3.49 (0.92) A3.57 (0.89) A4.51(0.66) SA3.95 A
Second parameter: interpersonal skills improvement4.36 (0.61) SA3.80 (0.87) A3.65 (0.88) A4.59 (0.60) SA4.09 A
Third parameter: classroom environment4.32 (0.51) SA3.5 (0.99) A3.63 (0.94) A4.5 (0.61) SA3.98 A
Fourth parameter: students-instructors interaction4.51 (0.52) SA3.39 (1.14) A3.53 (1.08) A4.66 (0.53) SA4.02 A
Mean4.36 SA3.54 A3.59 A4.56 SA