Research Article

Physiological Gingival Melanin Hyperpigmentation Treatment with Injectable Vitamin C and Scalpel Technique: A Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial

Table 1

Comparison of intensity, area of pigmentation, repigmentation, and pain score between the test and control group.

ParametersGroupsNMean ± SDDifference values

Preoperative intensityControl152.60 ± 0.510.200.076 (NS)
Test152.40 ± 0.63

Postoperative intensityControl150.53 ± 0.52−0.940.754 (NS)
Test151.47 ± 0.64

Preoperative area of pigmentationControl15114.40 ± 8.720.330.936 (NS)
Test15114.07 ± 13.24

Postoperative area of pigmentationControl1532.27 ± 6.670.200.932 (NS)
Test1537.07 ± 5.99

Percentage of repigmentationControl1532.87 ± (NS)
Test1532.59 ± 5.14

VAS scoreControl153.33 ± 0.822.60
Test150.73 ± 0.71

NS: nonsignificant difference at ; indicates significant difference at .