Research Article

Public Trust in Dentists among Arabic Populations

Table 2

Answers to a modified (a validated Arabic questionnaire was used) dentist’s trust scale.

Statement on a 5-point Likert scaleStrongly disagree N/(%)Disagree N/(%)Neutral N/(%)Agree N/(%)Strongly agree N/(%)

A dentist would never mislead you about anything15/1.8148/17.7294/35.1284/33.997/11.6
You have no worries about putting your oral health in the hands of the dentist13/1.6116/13.8145/17.3375/44.7189/22.6
Dentists do what is best for their patients12/1.479/9.4242/28.9361/43.1144/17.2
Dentists think only about what is best for their patients42/5.0227/27.1331/39.5166/19.872/8.6
Dentists are totally honest in telling their patients about all the different treatment options available for their conditions13/1.6104/12.4213/25.4356/42.5152/18.1
You completely trust dentists’ decisions about which dental treatments are best12/1.483/9.9159/19.0386/46.1198/23.6
Dentists think only about what is best for themselves32/3.8150/17.9306/36.5230/27.4120/14.3
Sometimes dentists do not pay full attention to what patients are trying to tell them49/5.8229/27.3276/32.9209/24.975/8.9
Dentists are extremely thorough and careful7/0.879/9.4239/28.5367/43.8146/17.4
In general, you trust your dentist16/1.9122/14.5250/29.8318/37.9132/15.7