Research Article

The Prospective Effect of Green Tea versus Pomegranate Peels Extracts on Submandibular Salivary Glands of Albino Rats after Methotrexate Administration (Histological and Immunohistochemical Study)

Table 1

Comparison between different groups for P53 immunoexpression.

GroupsMeanStandard deviationFP-value

Vehicle control group (G1)0.0d0.00687.012<0.0001
MTX group (G2)25.69a2.07
GT extract control group (G3)0.352d0.32
PPE control group (G4)0.088d0.11
GT extract + MTX (G5)7.883c1.17
PPE + MTX (G6)9.651b1.09

Different letters (a, b, c, and d) and mean significant difference at .