
We consider one-phase nonclassical unidimensional Stefan problems for a source function which depends on the heat flux, or the temperature on the fixed face . In the first case, we assume a temperature boundary condition, and in the second case we assume a heat flux boundary condition or a convective boundary condition at the fixed face. Exact solutions of a similarity type are obtained in all cases.

1. Introduction

The one-phase Stefan problem for a semi-infinite material is a free boundary problem for the classical heat equation which requires the determination of the temperature distribution of the liquid phase (melting problem) or the solid phase (solidification problem) and the evolution of the free boundary Phase change problems appear frequently in industrial processes and other problems of technological interest [14].

Nonclassical heat conduction problem for a semi-infinite material was studied in [511]. A problem of this type is the following: where functions and are continuous real functions, and is a given function of two variables. A particular and interesting case is the following: where represents the heat flux on the boundary that is Problems of the types (1.1) and (1.2) can be thought of by modelling of a system of temperature regulation in isotropic mediums [10, 11], with a nonuniform source term which provides a cooling or heating effect depending upon the properties of related to the course of the heat flux (or the temperature in other cases) at the boundary [10].

In the particular case of a bounded domain, a class of problems, when the heat source is uniform and belongs to a given multivalued function from into itself, was studied in [8] regarding existence, uniqueness, and asymptotic behavior. Moreover, in [5] conditions are given on the nonlinearity of the source term so as to accelerate the convergence of the solution to the steady-state solution. Other references on the subject are in [7, 12, 13].

Nonclassical free boundary problems of the Stefan type were recently studied in [1416] from a theoretical point of view by using an equivalent formulation through a system of second kind Volterra integral equations [1719]. A large bibliography on free boundary problems for the heat equation was given in [20].

In this paper, firstly we consider a free boundary problem which consists in determining the temperature and the free boundary such that the following conditions are satisfied: where the thermal coefficients the boundary temperature and the control function depend on the evolution of the heat flux at the boundary as follows: where is a given constantThe existence and the uniqueness of the solution of a general free boundary problem of the type (1.3)–(1.8) was given recently in [14, 15]. Moreover, we consider other two free boundary problems which consist in determining the temperature and the free boundary such that (1.3), (1.5), (1.6), and (1.7) are satisfied, and in these cases the control function depends on the evolution of the temperature at the boundary as follows: In this case, a heat flux boundary condition or a convective boundary condition can be considered at the fixed face in order to obtain the corresponding explicit solutions.

The plan of this paper is the following. In Section 2, we show an explicit solution of a similarity type for the nonclassical one-phase Stefan problem (1.3)–(1.7) for a control function given by (1.8).

In Sections 3 and 4, we obtain sufficient conditions on data in order to have a similarity type solution to the problems (1.3), (1.5), (1.6), and (1.7), where the control function is given by (1.9) (instead of (1.8)) and we take into account the heat flux condition (1.10) or the convective condition (1.11) at the fixed face , respectively.

The restrictions on data we have obtained for these two free boundary problems with a heat flux boundary condition (1.10) or a convective boundary condition (1.11) at the fixed face can be interpreted in the same way as we have obtained in the classical Stefan problem with the same boundary conditions in [21, 22] in order to have an instantaneous phase-change problem (see, e.g., sufficient condition in Theorems 3.2 and 4.1).

2. Explicit Solution to a One-Phase Stefan Problem for a Nonclassical Heat Equation with Control Function of the Type and a Temperature Condition at the Fixed Boundary

We consider the following free boundary problem for a semi-infinite material given by the following conditions: where the thermal coefficients are positive and the control function which depends on the evolution of the heat flux at the extremum is given by (1.8).

In order to obtain an explicit solution of a similarity type, we define where is the diffusion coefficient of the phase change material. The problem (2.1) and (1.8) become where the dimensionless parameter is defined by and the free boundary must be of the type where is an unknown parameter to be determined later. The general solution of the differential equation (2.3) is given by where andare arbitrary constants, and are the error function and the Dawson's integral (see [23, page 298] and [24, page 43]), respectively.

After some elementary computations, from (2.3), (2.4), and (2.5) we obtain where

Taking into account condition (2.6), the unknown parameter must be the solution of the following equation: where is the Stefan's number. Equation (2.13) is equivalent to the following one: where the real functions and are defined by

Remark 2.1. If (i.e.,), then the problem (2.1) and (1.8) represented the classical Lamé-Clapeyron problem [25]. In this case, there exists a unique solution of (2.17) (equivalent to (2.13))given by where and the explicit solution is given by [2, 23]:

In order to solve (2.14), we will study firstly the behavior of function We obtain some preliminary properties.

Lemma 2.2. The Dawson's integral satisfies the following properties:(i)(ii)(iii) where (iv) where (v)

Proof. The properties (i)–(iv) have been proved in [23, page 298] (see also [24, pages 42–45])
(v) By the L'Hopital Theorem, we have then (v) holds.

Next, we define the following auxiliary functions:

We have the following results.

Lemma 2.3. () Function satisfies the following properties:()()()()()()()() Function satisfies the following properties:()(ii)()()()()()() Function satisfies the following properties:()()()()()()()() Function satisfies the following properties:()()()for all ()()()()()() Function satisfies the following properties:()()()()for all () Function satisfies the following properties:()()()()()()()

Proof. (a) Taking into account properties of , we have and (v) holds. If we consider Lemma 2.2(v), we get and we have then (iv) and (vi) hold.
To prove (vii), we consider where Then because and is a bounded function
(b) From the definition of we obtain (i) and (ii). To prove (iii), we have then If we suppose that we get which is a contradiction.If we suppose that then which is also a contradiction. Therefore, and (iii) hold.
Taking into account (ii), we have then and if we consider (iii) we have From properties of we have and (vi) holds. Taking into account we get
(c) From Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3(b) we get (i)–(vii).
(d) We have then from (a) and (b)(iii) we get (i)–(vi).
(e) As we have then by using the properties of and (b) we obtain the properties of
(f) We have and from the properties of we obtain (i)–(v).

Corollary 2.4. One has(i)(ii)

Now, we are in conditions to enunciate properties of functions and in order to study after (2.14).

Lemma 2.5. The functions and defined by (2.15) and (2.16), respectively, satisfy the following properties.()Properties of function :()()(ii)(v)()for all () where is the unique solution of (2.17),() where ()() Properties of function ()()() there exists a unique such that ()() there exists a unique such thatand ()()()()()

Proof. (a) Taking into account the definition of the function we get (i) and (ii).
(iii) We have
(iv) We have where is the function defined by which satisfies the following properties:
(v) We have
(vi) Taking into account (i), (iii), and (v), we get that there exists a unique zero of which is given bythe unique solution of (2.17).
(vii)We have then
Since signthen we obtain (vii).
(b) Taking into account Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3, we have (i) and (ii).
We can write then and satisfies Then (iv), (vi), (vii), (viii), and (ix) hold.
We have then taking into account the properties of and, we get that there exists a unique such that Moreover, we have In the same way, we have Then, if we consider the properties of the functions and, we have that there exists a unique such that Moreover, and then (v) holds.
To prove (x) we take into account that where and was defined in (2.18). Then by using (2.17), we have

Lemma 2.6. For each there exists a unique solution of (2.14). This solution satisfies the following properties: where and are the unique solution of (2.17) and (2.47), respectively.

Proof. Taking into account Lemma 2.5, we get that there exists a unique solution of (2.14). Let be given, taking into account properties of function we obtain that the real functions and defined by satisfy the following properties: Then where is the solution of equation Therefore, is an increasing function on Moreover, we obtain because

Then, we have proved the following result.

Theorem 2.7. For each the free boundary problem (2.1), where is defined by (1.8), has a unique similarity solution of the type where and is the unique solution of (2.14) with

3. Explicit Solution to a One-Phase Stefan Problem for a Nonclassical Heat Equation with Control Function of the Type and a Heat Flux Condition at the Fixed Face

In this section, the free boundary problem consists in determining the temperature and the free boundary with a control function which depends on the evolution of the temperature at the extremum given by the following conditions: where the coefficient characterizes the heat flux on the [21] and the control function is given by (1.9).

In order to obtain an explicit solution of a similarity type, we define the same transformation given by (2.2). The problem (3.1) and (1.9) are equivalent to the following one: where the dimensionless parameters and are defined by is the free boundary, where is an unknown parameter to be determined.

From (3.2), (3.3), and (3.4), we obtain the similarity solution where and is the Dawson's integral and is given by (2.23).

By condition (3.5), the unknown parameter must be solution of the following equation: which is equivalent to the following one: where the real functions and are defined by

Remark 3.1. If (i.e., ), we have the solution where is the unique solution of the following equation:

In order to solve (3.11), we consider properties of Dawson's integral, error function, and some auxiliary functions, and then we obtain the following result.

Theorem 3.2. For each , the free boundary problem (3.1), where is defined by (1.9), has a unique similarity solution of the type where is the unique solution of (3.11),

Proof. We follow a similar method developed in Theorem 2.7.

4. Explicit Solution to a One-Phase Stefan Problem for a Nonclassical Heat Equation with Control Function of the Type and a Convective Condition at the Fixed Face

In this section, we consider a similar problem to the one given in Section 3 for a convective boundary condition [22, 26] on the fixed face given by where is defined by (1.9) and characterizes the heat transfer coefficients [22, 26]. To solve this problem, we consider again a similarity type solution given by (2.2). Then, the problem (4.1) and (1.9) are equivalent to the following one: where the dimensionless parameter is defined by (3.6) and is the free boundary, where is an unknown parameter to be determined. We obtain the solution where is given by (3.9).Taking into account the condition (4.5) the unknown parameter must be the solution of the following equation: which is equivalent to where and the function is defined by (3.12).

Similarly to the previous cases, we can enunciate the following result.

Theorem 4.1. For each (, the free boundary problem (4.1), where is defined by (1.9), has a unique similarity solution given by where is the unique solution of (4.9).
Let and be, there exists a unique solution of the equation
For each such that , where satisfies there exists a unique similarity solution to the free boundary problem (3.1), where is defined by (1.9). The solution is given by (4.11).


This paper has been partially sponsored by Projects PIP no. 0460 from CONICET-UA (Rosario, Argentina) and Fondo de Ayuda a la Investigacion de la Universidad Austral (Argentina). The authors would like to thank the three referees for their constructive comments which improved the readability of the paper.