Research Article

Reported Hours of Sleep, Diabetes Prevalence and Glucose Control in Jamaican Adults: Analysis from the Jamaica Lifestyle Survey 2007-2008

Table 1

Characteristics of the study population by sex.


Age (yrs)42.2 ± 17.042.8 ± 15.50.80 b
Urban (%) c
Depression (%)a0.83.9<0.01c
BMI (kg/m2)a24.7 ± 5.428.9 ± 6.8<0.01b
Mean hours of sleep a7.8 ± 1.88.3 ± 1.8<0.01
Poor quality of sleep (%) a34.846.4<0.01c
All Diabetes (%)10.613.10.09c
 Newly diagnosed (%) a4.43.3
 Established diabetes (%) a6.29.8
Diabetes Duration (yrs)
Hypertension (%)
Family history of diabetes (%)a30.241.7<0.01c
Highest level of education (%)a0.03c
 Primary/junior high43.237.5
Persons/habitable room a1.01.3<0.01b, d
Alcohol use (%)a<0.01c
Smoker (%)a67.751.0<0.01c
Physical activity (%) a<0.01c
 High activity47.218.8
 Medium activity22.919.2
 Low activity/inactive29.962.0

Data are given as mean ± SD unless otherwise specified. aindicates there is a significant difference ( ) between the sexes, bWilcoxon rank sum test, cChi square test, dMedian value presented.