Clinical Study

Arterial Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Subclinical Cardiovascular Organ Damage in Patients with Asymptomatic Primary Hyperparathyroidism before and after Parathyroidectomy: Preliminary Results

Table 5

Demographic, biochemical, ABPM, echocardiographic, IMT parameters in PHPT patients before (PHPT pre) and after (PHPT post) surgery.

WC (cm)SBP (mmHg)DBP (mmHg)HR (bpm)Glycaemia (mg/dL)CT (mg/dL)LDL-C (mg/dL)HDL-C (mg/dL)TG (mg/dL)

PHPT pre (n.30)95.7 ± 12144 ± 19.2 75 ± 9.4 227 ± 26146.1 ± 4254 ± 6.2135 ± 22
PHPT post (n.30)95 ± 10.3117 ± 19.283 ± 14.365 ± 8.1 209 ± 25132 ± 2357 ± 12118 ± 35

Calcium (mg/dL)Ca++ (mmol/L)Phosphorous (mg/dL)Magnesium (mg/dL)Mg++ (mmol/L)Ca Ur (mg/24 h)P Ur (mg/24 h)PTH (pg/mL)ALP (UI/L)

PHPT pre (n.30)
PHPT post (n.30)

SBP-G (mmHg)DBP-G (mmHg)HR-G (bpm)SBP-D (mmHg)DBP-D (mmHg)HR-D (bpm)SBP-N (mmHg)DBP-N (mmHg)HR-N (bpm)

PHPT pre (n.30)
PHPT post (n.30)

IVSi (mm/m²)PWLVi (mm/m²)LV-DTDi (mm/m²)LV-DTSi (mm/m²)LAi (mm/m²)EF (%)LVMi (mm/m²)IMT (mm)

PHPT pre (n.30)
PHPT post (n.30)

WC: waist circumference; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; CT: total cholesterol; LDL-C: low-density cholesterol; HDL-C: high-density cholesterol; TG: triglycerides; ns: not significative; Ca++: serum-ionized calcium; Mg++: serum-ionized magnesium; Ca Ur: calcium urinary excretion in 24 hours; P Ur: phosphorous urinary excretion in 24 hours; PTH: serum parathyroid hormone; ALP: serum phosphatase alkaline; SBP-G: global systolic blood pressure; DBP-G: global diastolic blood pressure; HR-G: global heart rate; SBP-D: diurnal systolic blood pressure; DBP-D: diurnal diastolic blood pressure; HR-D: diurnal heart rate; SBP-N: nocturnal systolic blood pressure; DBP-N: nocturnal diastolic blood pressure; HR-N: nocturnal heart rate; IVSi: interventricle septum; PWLVi: posterior wall; LV-DTDi: telediastolic diameter of left ventricle; LV-DTSi: telesystolic diameter of left ventricle; LAi: left atrium; EF: ejection fraction; LVMi: mass of left ventricle indexed; IMT: intima-media thickness.