Clinical Study

Vitamin D Status in Patients Operated for Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Comparison of Patients from Southern and Northern Europe

Table 1

Pre- and perioperative biochemical and clinical variables in patients operated on for primary hyperparathyroidism. Median, (IQR). Groups compared with Kruskal-wallis and chi square where appropriate.

VariableAllSpanish cohort Swedish cohort P

Age (years)65 (57–73)64 (57–72)66 (58–74)0.33
p-Ca (mmol/L)2.74 (2.65–2.85)2.74 (2.65–2.85)2.74 (2.66–2.84)0.73
PTH (pmol/L)12 (9.3–16.2)13.5 (10.5–20.4)11.0 (8.4–14.0)<0.001
25-OH-D (nmol/L)44 (26–64)40 (25–58)51 (28–66)0.01
1,25-OH-D (pmol/L)55 (98–162)142 (99–198)56 (28–66)<0.001
Phosphate (mmol/L)0.85 (0.77–0.96)0.90 (0.80–1.0)0.82 (0.72–0.90)<0.001
ALP (unit)2.6 (1.6–3.8)3.0 (1.7–4.3)2.3 (1.5–3.4)0.002
GFR (mL/min)75 (63–89)70 (58–85)76 (65–93)0.01
Creatinine (umol/L)71 (62–81)80 (71–88)65 (56–73)<0.001
Urinary calcium (unit)5.9 (3.6–9)7.3 (3.9–10.0)4.1 (2.8–5.9)<0.001
Fracture (yes/no)48/19519/10729/990.002
Vitamin D deficiency (yes/no)130/9680/4250/540.007
Adenoma weight (mg)546 (300–1200)620 (290–1400)500 (320–1030)<0.001