Research Article

Frequency of Macroprolactinemia in Hyperprolactinemic Women Presenting with Menstrual Irregularities, Galactorrhea, and/or Infertility: Etiology and Clinical Manifestations

Table 1

Demographic and clinical data, serum total and free immunoreactive prolactin (PRL) levels, distribution of PRL immunoreactivity in three fractions obtained after gel filtration, and percentage of retained PRL in affinity chromatography in hyperprolactinemic patients according to the absence or presence of macroprolactinemia (MPRL).

VariableWithout MPRL With MPRL value

Age, yrs, mean SD 0.62b
Body mass index, mean SD 0.72b
Direct PRL, ng/mL, median (range) 38.1 (25.5–1,860.0)42.0 (26.0–268.6)0.27c
Free PRL, ng/mL, median (range)31.7 (25.5–1,840)9.2 (2.2–22.2)<0.001c
Big big PRL (%), mean SD <0.001b
Big PRL (%), mean SD 0.85b
Little PRL (%), mean SD <0.001b
IgG-bound PRL (%), mean SDa <0.001b
Anti-PRL autoantibodies (%) 0 (0)54 (94.7)<0.001d
Oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea (%)116 (44.8)28 (49.1)0.50d
Galactorrhea (%)91 (33.8)7 (12.3) 0.002d
Infertility (%)85 (31.6)21 (36.8)0.54d
Alterations in libido (%)13 (4.8)1 (1.8)0.50e
Secondary hyperprolactinemia (%)81 (30.1)6 (10.5%)0.004d
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (%)22 (8.2)4 (7.0)0.93e
Dopamine agonist prescribed (%)147 (54.6)44 (77.2)0.003d

PRL retained in protein G-Sepharose column (PRL retained/PRL nonretained + PRL retained × 100%).
Nonpaired Student’s -test, cMann-Whitney -test, d test, and eFisher’s exact test.