Research Article

Oral Glutamine Is Superior Than Oral Glucose to Promote Glycemia Recovery in Mice Submitted to Insulin-Induced Hypoglycemia

Table 1

Liver production of pyruvate from increasing concentrations (mM) of lactate and liver production of pyruvate or lactate from increasing concentrations (mM) of alanine in fasted mice. The animals were subjected to in situ liver perfusion 180 min after an intraperitoneal injection of regular insulin (1.0 U kg−1, IIH group) or saline (NORMO group). The areas under curve (AUCs), that is, the increment of pyruvate and L-lactate production between 10 and 110 min were calculated as described in Section 2.

Glucose precursorAUC of liver production of pyruvate and lactate (μmol g−1)
PyruvateLactate group HII
NORMO groupIIH groupNORMO groupIIH group

Lactate mM
 0.5 NdNd
 1.0 NdNd
 2.0 NdNd
 4.0 NdNd
 8.0 NdNd
 12.0 NdNd
 16.0 NdNd
Alanine mM

Values of the area under curve (μmol g−1) are represented as mean ± standard deviation of 6–8 perfusion experiments. NORMO versus IIH. Nd: not determined.