Research Article

The Transcultural Diabetes Nutrition Algorithm: A Canadian Perspective

Table 1

Dietary strategies for diabetes nutrition therapies.

InterventionsHbA1c %WgtBPLipid Risk FactorsOther AdvantagesDisadvantage

Dietary patterns
 Low-GI/GL 0.3–0.5%CRP, Hypos, RxVitamin B12
 Veg diets 0.3–0.5% **
 Mediter diets 0.3–0.5%CRP, FPG, Rx, CV events
 DASH 0.5–1.0%CRP
Wgt loss diets
 Atkins↑LDL, micN, adh
 Protein power 0.5–1.0%micN, adh, ↑RL
 Omish FPG, adh
 Wgt watchersFPG, adh
 ZoneFPG, adh, ↑RL
Specific foods
 Dietary 0.3–0.5%GI side effects
 Tree nuts 0.3%
 Hi-CHO hi fiber 0.3–0.5%Preserve lean massHDL, GI side effects
 Hi-MUFA 0.3%
 Lo-CHOmicN, ↑RL
 Hi-proteinmicN, ↑RL
 LC-N3-PUFAsCH3–Hg exposure, EI
Meal replacements 0.3–0.5%Temporary intervention

Adapted from [4].
Glycaemic index (GI); monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA); long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-N3-PUFAs); Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH); weight (Wgt); blood pressure (BP); total cholesterol (TC); LDL cholesterol (LDL-C); HDL cholesterol (HDL-C); triglycerides (TG); non-HDL cholesterol (non-HDL-C); apolipoprotein-B (apo-B); fasting plasma glucose (FPG); C reactive protein (CRP); hypos (hypoglycaemic episodes); oral antihyperglycaemic agents (Rx); Mediterranean (Mediter); vegetarian (veg); adherence (adh); micronutrient (micN); renal load (RL); methyl-Hg (M-Hg); environmental impact (EI); gastrointestinal (GI).
*Lipid ratios include TC : HDL-C, LDL-C : HDL-C, and apo-B : apo-A1 (apolipoprotein-A1).
**Adjusted for medication changes.