Clinical Study

Efficacy and Safety of Sitagliptin for the Treatment of New-Onset Diabetes after Renal Transplantation

Table 1

Baseline demographics of the study participants.

Demographics ( )

Gender (% male)77
Race (% Caucasian)86
Average age at transplant (years)
BMI at transplant (kg/m2)#
BMI at NODAT diagnosis (kg/m2)
Average time to NODAT diagnosis (mo.)
Donor type (% of patients)
 Living, genetically related32
 Living, genetically unrelated18
Immunosuppressants (number of patients/(%))
 Tacrolimus19 (86)
 Sirolimus9 (41)
 Mycophenolate mofetil8 (36)
 Cyclosporine2 (9)
 Mycophenolic acid1 (4.5)
 Azathioprine1 (4.5)

Values are mean SD.
Data available on 19 of 22 patients.