Research Article

Circulating Fractalkine Levels Predict the Development of the Metabolic Syndrome

Table 2

Correlations between serum fractalkine and metabolic parameters at baseline ( 7).

Unadjusted Age-, sex-, education-, smoking-, and drinking-adjusted
value value

BMI0.24 <0.0010.16 0.001
WC0.29 <0.0010.23 <0.001
WHR0.26 <0.0010.20 <0.001
Fat%0.23 <0.0010.23 <0.001
SBP0.23 <0.0010.12 0.019
DBP0.19 <0.0010.12 0.013
FPGa0.19 <0.0010.14 0.006
2 h PGa0.25 <0.0010.24 <0.001
FINSa0.21 <0.0010.17 0.001
2 h insulina0.24 <0.0010.24 <0.001
HOMA-IRa0.25 <0.0010.20 <0.001
HbA1c0.08 0.020 0.10 0.053
TCa0.16 <0.0010.10 0.040
LDL-c0.17 <0.0010.18 0.058
HDL-c <0.001 <0.001
TGa0.24 <0.0010.20 <0.001
CRPa0.10 0.030 0.09 0.062
SFAa0.20 <0.0010.20 <0.001
VFAa0.32 <0.0010.28 <0.001

Abbreviations as in Table 1.
Coefficients were performed using Pearson’s correlation analysis.
lg(x) transformation was performed because of a skewed distribution.