Clinical Study

Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Patients with Primary Aldosteronism

Table 1

Demographic and anthropometric parameters in all subjects enrolled.

PatientYears (yrs)BMI (Kg/m2)Waist circumference (cm)SBP (mmHg)DBP (mmHg)

PA (n.73)
EH (n.73)
HS (n.40)
ns<0.002 versus HS<0.003 versus HS<0.01 versus HS<0.01 versus HS

APA (n.35)
IHA (n.38)

PA: primary aldosteronism; EH: essential arterial hypertension, HS: healthy subjects; APA: aldosterone-producing adrenal adenoma; IHA: idiopathic bilateral hyperplasia; BMI: body mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure.