Clinical Study

Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Patients with Primary Aldosteronism

Table 2

Biochemical parameters of all subjects enrolled.

PatientSerum creatinine (mg/dL)K (mEq/L)Ca (mg/dL)Ca2+ (mmol/L)Ca-Ur (mg/24 h)P (mg/dL)PTH (pg/mL)ALP (UI/L)25-OH vitamin D (ng/mL)

PA (n.73)
EH (n.73)
HS (n.40)
ns<0.001 versus EH-HS<0.001 versus EH-HSns<0.001 versus EH-HSns<0.001 versus EH-HS<0.001 versus EH-HS<0.001 versus EH-HS

APA (n.35)
IHA (n.38)

K: serum potassium; Ca: serum total calcium; Ca2+: ionized serum calcium; Ca-Ur: 24-hour urinary calcium excretion; P: serum phosphorus; PTH: parathyroid hormone; ALP: alkaline phosphatase.