Clinical Study

Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Patients with Primary Aldosteronism

Table 4

Bone mineral density (BMD) evaluated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in all subjects enrolled.

Patient -score L1–L4BMD L1–L4 (g/cm2) -score FNBMD FN (g/cm2)

PA (n.73)
EH (n.73)
HS (n.40)
0.06* versus EH-HS 0.06* versus EH-HS0.06* versus EH-HSns

APA (n.35)
IHA (n.38)

PA: primary aldosteronism; EH: essential arterial hypertension, HS: healthy subjects; APA: aldosterone-producing adrenal adenoma; IHA: idiopathic bilateral hyperplasia; L1–L4: lumbar spine side; FN: femoral neck side.