Clinical Study

Prospective Analysis of Risk for Hypothyroidism after Hemithyroidectomy

Table 1

Characteristics of patients in the euthyroid group and hypothyroid group.

VariableEuthyroid groupHypothyroid group

Age, years42.3 ± 11.844.2 ± 17.80.58
Patients height, m1.70 ± 0.091.66 ± 0.080.05
Patients weight, kg73.5 ± 15.574.7 ± 16.60.77
Patients BMI25.2 ± 4.227.1 ± 6.10.11
ASA ≤ 264.2%61.8%0.10

BMI: body mass index; n.s.: difference being not significant.