Research Article

Subclassification of Follicular Neoplasms Recommended by the Japan Thyroid Association Reporting System of Thyroid Cytology

Table 1

Cytological reporting system recommended by the Japan Thyroid Association guidelines for clinical practice on the management of thyroid nodules, 2013.

Diagnostic categoryRisk of malignancy

① Inadequate (nondiagnostic)10%
② Normal or benign<1%
③ Indeterminate
 (A) Follicular neoplasms (follicular pattern lesions)
  (A-1) Favor benign5–15%
  (A-2) Borderline15–30%
  (A-3) Favor malignant40–60%
 (B) Others40–60%
④ Malignancy suspected (not conclusive for malignancy)>80%
⑤ Malignancy>99%