Review Article

Regulation of Estrogen Receptor α Expression in the Hypothalamus by Sex Steroids: Implication in the Regulation of Energy Homeostasis

Table 1

Regulation of ERα in the hypothalamus by treatment of steroid hormones in male and female rats.

HormonesERα expressionSexReferences

EstradiolIncreaseFemaleCultured VMH cells: [155] 
VMH: [157]
MaleVMH: [157]
DecreaseFemaleARC: [145147, 153, 158] (high dose)  
VMH: [78, 145147, 153]  
AVPV: [153]  
MPOA: [148]
MaleARC: [147, 153]  
VMH: [153]
No changeFemaleVMH: [145] 
ARC: [145] 
AVPV: [153]
MaleVMH: [158] (low dose)

ProgesteroneProgesterone + estradiol 
FemaleMPOA and medial basal hypothalamus: [175] 
Cultured VMH cells: [155]
Progesterone alone 
FemaleCultured VMH cells: [155]

TestosteroneDecreaseFemaleVMH and ARC: [147]
MaleMPOA: [184, 186] 
AVPV: [186]  
VMH and ARC: [147]