Clinical Study

Rationale and Design of RNAFH Study: Effect of Rosuvastatin (10 mg/d) on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver in Metabolic Syndrome Patients without Overt Diabetes Evaluated by 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Figure 2

Axial breath-hold dual-echo T1-weighted imaging (in phase (a) and opposed phase (b)) of a subject enrolled with intrahepatocellular lipid (IHCL) of 13.05% (95% CI 12.39~13.72). The signal intensity loss of hepatic parenchyma on opposed-phase axial T1WI (b) image in comparison with in-phase image (a) indicates liver steatosis. The 1H-MRS voxel is placed on right lobe of liver. (c, d, e) are output images of MRS results, including (c) spectral peaks at TE 12 ms and T2 curve-fit of lipid and water, (d) a table of IHCL values calculated from MRS results, and (e) the color bars depicting lipid fraction and water (iron) estimates.