Research Article

Exploring the Role of Estrogens in Lizard Spermatogenesis through the Study of Clomiphene and FSH Effects

Figure 4

Immunohistochemistry with ERα (a–d) or VTG (bottom panel, e–f) antibodies in the liver. (a) Untreated males: no immunoreactivity is detected to anti-ERα antibody; the box (A) shows the negative control of reaction, performed lacking the antibody. (b) Clomiphene-treated and (c) FSH-treated samples: ir-ERα is evident in cells. (d) FSH-Clomiphene: no immunoreactivity is detected as in untreated samples (a). (e) Untreated males: no immunoreactivity is detected to anti-VTG antibody. (f) Clomiphene-treated and (g) FSH-treated samples: ir-VTG is evident in the cytoplasm cells. (h) FSH-Clomiphene: no immunoreactivity is detected, as in untreated samples (e). In (e), (f), (g), and (h), cell nuclei were counterstained with Mayer’s haemalum. The bar is 30 μm.