Research Article

Chronic Hyperinsulinaemic Hypoglycaemia in Rats Is Accompanied by Increased Body Weight, Hyperleptinaemia, and Decreased Neuronal Glucose Transporter Levels in the Brain

Figure 2

Blood glucose levels. Plasma profile Day 1 (a), Day 25 (b), Day 53 (c), and Day R1 (d). Individual (symbols) and mean (lines) values, . Infusion start was defined as time point zero on day 1. Time point zero on day R1 corresponds to the time point when infusion was stopped. (e) Whole blood mean values + SD. Grey area indicates infusion period. During infusion: days 2–23: per time point, days 26–51: per time point, and day 54: per time point. During infusion-free period (recovery): per time point. , , and for HI-M versus CTRL-M; #, ##, and ### for HI-F versus CTRL-F. Levels in the HI-M and HI-F groups were only significantly different on two time points: day 5 () and day R12 ().