Clinical Study

Cardiovascular Risk and Metabolic Syndrome Characteristics in Patients with Nonfunctional Pituitary Macroadenoma

Table 1

Characteristics of NFPMA patients ().

Age (mean ± DE)59.6 ± 10.2
Female, (%)26 (36)
VFD at presentation, (%)55 (78)
One transsphenoidal surgery, (%)31 (43.6)
Two or more transsphenoidal surgery, (%)40 (56.3)
Follow up (yr), mean ± SD10.2 ± 4.8
Three or more pituitary deficiencies, (%)38 (67.8)
ACTH deficiency, (%)43 (62)
TSH deficiency, (%)59 (86.7)
LH/FSH deficiency, (%)45 (67)
GH deficiency, (%)48 (88.8)

VFD: visual field defect.